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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

Our Projects

​Poverty is a relevent issue in the world 


Over 3 billion people are living with poor quality of life. The number of people living with poverty can decrease the literacy and health care rate because people don’t have money to pay for the doctor and school. Children need to work to support their family which will increase the child labor rate in the country. The country that has low quality of life won’t have enough hospitality, school, policy ,and available jobs for their people. Also people who are poor will have difficulty to engage in social opportunity because they don't have money to be in a good quality of society.

Poverty break the UN's Declaration of Human Rights


​Poverty breaks some of the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights which are Article 23, Right to work means to free choice of employment. Article 25, Right to adequate living standard which includes food, clothing, housing, and medical. Article 26, Right to education, Children have a right to go to school at least in elementary school and fundamental stage. Poverty affects many countries around the world. It affects the quality of life of the people in the country. The numbers of people who are enduring with poverty are increasing every year.

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